Artemisinin (CAS No.: 63968-64-9)

Manus Aktteva Biopharma LLP is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Global Supplier based in India for the product Artemisinin, 63968-64-9.
We offer the product Artemisinin, 63968-64-9 from our manufacturer / supplier / principals for your Research and Development / Evaluation or Commercial requirements, based on the product's availability from our network. We can also offer Artemisinin, 63968-64-9 intermediates with the supportive technical package required for evaluation.
We respect our customer's requirements of strict regulatory compliance and specification needs by offering the API - Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients and intermediates transparently while offering easy access to manufacturer / supplier / principals with affordable and high-quality raw materials.
If you are looking for the API -Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Artemisinin, 63968-64-9 manufacturer supplier who is reliable and meets your required quality standard requirements in the first place, you are at the right place!

Artemisinin, 63968-64-9, Manufacturer, Supplier, India, China
CAS number:


Chemical Name:

(+)-Arteannuin; Qinghaosu; [3R-(3R,5aS,6S,8aS,9R,10R,12S,12aR**)]-Decahydro-3,6,9-trimethyl-3,12-epoxy-12H-pyrano[4,3-j]-1,2-benzodioxepin-10-one, Artemisinin (CAS No.: 63968-64-9)

Manufacturer Certificate:

ISO Certified


For R&D Purpose

Why Us
Your product search made swift, simplified & successful in experienced hands. Test us to get the best of us Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients & Intermediates. New Molecule R&D, Scale up & Commercialization Technical Data package, CMC data package & Drug master files for most of the products as a part of our service Our partnerships are market-driven and are aimed at delivering real business value to our clients To Strive harder & excel further for the sevice of mankind by offering our services to the industry

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